Verse of the Week

"Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good."
Titus 3:1

About Me

Schooled at: NIE, Ngee Ann Poly, FMSS, FMPS / Contact: / CCA: Red Cross

Monday, January 4, 2010

Some Administrative Tasks for 1st Week of School

Dear Parents,

Hope your child has had a smooth transition back to school on the first day.

Would like to disseminate some administrative matters to you.

1) Forms to be submitted during the 1st week:

(i) Pupils Particulars Form (given out on 4 Jan; to be filled out by parents and submitted on 6 Jan)

(ii) Newslink Term 1 (please read through and take note of the important dates and submit the acknowledgement slip on 6 Jan)

2)Please return your child's report book with the Results Slip duely signed.

3) Collection of Exercise books and Workbooks:

(i) Small Single Line - Mental Sums
(ii) Big Single Line - Maths 1
(iii) Big Single Line - Maths 2
(iv) Process Skills Booklet 1 & 2
(v) Workbook - Please tear out the worksheets from the book spine and staple them in the respective Chapters. I will collect the worksheets for ALL chapters from 3A & 3B workbooks.
(vi)Small Single Line - Science Spelling
(vii) Big Single Line - Science Learning Log
(viii) ALL files.

4) Use of lockers (items allowed to be placed in lockers)

(i) Art Material
(ii) Music Material
(iii) Textbooks (Eng, Math, Sci, Social Studies, Health Ed, etc)

Do feel free to contact me if you have any queries. Thank you.

Mr Low Wee Teck

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